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Blitz Patrollie chronicles the adventures of Rummy Augustine (Joey Rasdien) and his partner, Ace Dikolobe (David Kau), police officers who have had the misfortune of being stationed in a little known depot in the belly of the Johannesburg CBD. Rummy is bogged down with trying to start a family and an overbearing mother-in-law who just won"t move out. The overzealous Ace, on the other hand, can think of nothing better to do in the morning than to put on his "lucky" bulletproof vest and head out to kick some bad guy ass. Whilst in a poor white neighborhood, trying to solve yet another small-time crime, Rummy and Ace, along with their inept sniper colleagues, accidentally stumble upon a massive drug haul. What ensues is a series of mishaps as the duo encounter some of the city"s craftiest crooks in a race against time to catch the bad guys and claim their place in crime fighting glory.


  • 649播放第94集无血无泪全度妍,李慧英,郑在咏
  • 94播放正片谜误杜奕衡,侯钧博,臧彬彬,韩兆
  • 901播放正片动作巨星2凯文·哈特,娜塔莉·伊曼纽尔,本·施瓦茨,保拉·佩尔,约翰·塞纳
  • 300播放正片孽欲杀人夜威廉·彼德森,金·格雷斯特,琼·艾伦,布莱恩·考克斯
  • 279播放HD仿生超极限杰西卡·科雷斯,克里斯蒂安·马尔赫罗斯,布鲁诺·加利亚索,Kagga,Jayson,Miguel,Falabella,保罗·维列纳,Gabz,克莱波尔·托勒多,米格尔·纳德,田中罗娜,Emilly,Nayara
  • 771播放HD绝命狙击甘婷婷,麦亨利,张笑君,李子雄,骆达华,何翔,彭天颖
  • 184播放正片绝地狙击李晨浩,骆言
  • 644播放正片绝杀招式马西斯·兰德韦尔,Matthias,Hues,Kurt,McKinney
  • 911播放正片刺客梁家仁,姜超,陈观泰,董志华,谢沅江,朱国安,周依晨,王小宝,肖宏
  • 豆瓣6.5HD拿破仑2023华金·菲尼克斯,凡妮莎·柯比,塔哈·拉希姆,鲁伯特·艾弗雷特,马克·博纳尔,保罗·瑞斯,本·迈尔斯,瑞安娜·杜斯,露德温·塞尼耶,爱德华·菲利波纳特,迈尔斯·贾普,斯科特·汉迪,优素福·凯尔科尔,约翰·霍林沃思,阿布巴卡尔·萨利姆,汤姆·阿什利,杰尼斯·纽沃纳,朱利安·林希德-图特,约翰·霍奇金森,艾琳·安斯沃思
  • 豆瓣7.1HD中字美国内战克斯汀·邓斯特,瓦格纳·马拉,斯蒂芬·亨德森,卡莉·史派妮,水野索诺娅,尼克·奥弗曼,杰西·普莱蒙,杰佛逊·怀特,卡尔·格洛斯曼,阿历萨·芒索,胡安尼·费利兹,梅利莎·圣阿曼德,乔尼卡·T·吉布斯,尼尔森·李,贾里德·肖,杰夫·博斯利,詹姆斯·亚加希
  • 168播放正片风速极战谢天华,朱永棠,林晓峰,元华,元秋,龚品菀,颜娜


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